You weigh on me like a hangover;
each visit, a vat of bourbon
poured into my bloodstream,
each trial and tribulation
dulling my senses
until I'm totally enervated,
complete with pounding head...
Like good wine that's gone bad,
you're quite easy to resist,
but much like the effects of alcohol,
you have an uncanny knack for lingering.
I could have kept up the act.
I could have kept my mouth closed.
I could have been whiling away the hours in your bed if I hadn't spoken
up and ended it
you were creeping into my blood,
invading my dreams,
stealing my every thought,
and you weren't even mine;
I was simply borrowing you
I knew you loved another woman,
but you'd told me how beautiful
and desirable I was,
and I melted like an ice cube in Phoenix and got in way over my head,
attaching myself to you, completely destroying my future
It wasn't that I was desperate;
I wasn't the kind to threaten suicide
or kill you if you refused me,
but I realized I was heading down
a lonely and frustrating road
and wasn't exactly sure what would be
awaiting me at the other end
if I chose to keep going,
so I wrapped duct tape around my heart
to keep it from breaking
and inhaled the deepest breath I ever
took in my life, and, after a few
moments that seemed to last an eternity, simply said I couldn't see you
anymore, and quickly walked away before you even thought to consider
asking my why.
I think I'd rather have my teeth pulled
than engage in a conversation with you,
you make things difficult because you can, creating problems where none
exist always knowing exactly which nerve of mine to pluck
it's always seemed a thrill for you
I don't know what kind of sickness
compels you to do this--
perhaps your own parents
played mind games with you;
poking at your psyche,
playing dodge-ball with your emotions,
making sport of your confusion and
as you do with mine now
I think I could have endured
a physical smack now and then
in your quest to do harm,
but the repercussions of these
psychotic mind games are more
deeply ingrained in my system;
where there is no air or light
for them to heal,
yet you periodically continue this routine, this attack, when you,
yourself, felt the pain and how deep it could go and the thing I'll
never understand is that you're definitely old enough now to know
I can't move
I can't breathe
I can't talk
I can't think
I can't live
I can't be
I give up
where is me?
You don't know me
so get your nose out of the air--
you'll only get rainwater in it
At least I'm not a clone;
I can think on my own.
I can distinguish between an emotion
and a noun
I can tell the difference between
silicone and sincerity
You do not move outside your limits.
You do not color outside the lines.
I will not conform to your preferences
so you can tell me mine
I am real. I can think.
I can move without a hand to pull my strings.
You're so busy trying to get
others to follow your path,
you can't see where it's leading you
I admit, I rarely look before I leap,
but at least I'll jump into the water,
before I'm quick to judge how cold,
how deep.