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Ed Coet  (email, blog)


About the Poet:

Ed Coet is a retired US Army officer and professional educator. He is a widely published freelance writer and poet. Ed has had numerous articles published on a variety of topics. Ed’s short stories were published in Bewildering Stories, Scribal Tales, Muscadine Lines – A Southern Journal, and Scars Publications. His poems have been published in Purple Dream Ezine, Solder Works Magazine, Children, Churches & Daddies Magazine, Scars Publication,  Steller Showcase Journal, Both Sides Now Journal, Because We Write Magazine, Lost Beat Poetry Journal, Cynic Magazine, Fullosia Press, Blue Fog Poetry Journal, Poetic Diversity Magazine,The Huffington Post, Raven Publishing, Inc., Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal, Osprey Journal, Masque Publishing – Decanto Magazine, Namaste Fiji – The International Anthology of Poetry Book, The “Breaking Silences” Poetry Book Collection, and the 2007 Scars Poetry Collection Book  - We The Poet’s, which includes Ed Coet’s award wining poem - Comfort. Visit with Ed Coet at “The Coet Blog.



The moment I saw you,
the instinct I captured that first
glimpse of breathtaking beauty it
shook me to the depth of my soul,
to the core of my being,
and I thought I would explode in ecstasy.
The moment I caught a glimpse
of your glimmering smile,
and felt the penetrating warmth
of your essence, purity and goodness,
your kindness and charm,
I was captivated body and soul.
That was the moment I was drawn in.
I was over come by an imaginary truth
that I could not explain and
could only feel and experience.
It explained that one emotion
that everyone seeks. It explained love
That moment could not be denied me.
It could never be diminished or dismissed.
It was wholly mine to cling to
for however long I wanted.
It was complete perfection.
It was the moment I dreamt you.



It cannot be diminished,
regulated or rationed.
It is eternal.
It doesn’t develop,
it is born within.
It is unconditional.
It trusts.
It is never jealous
and it doesn’t brag;
It is kind, polite,
pure, humble,
and always right.
It embraces truth
and rejects evil.
It is powerful,
patient, honest
and forgiving.
Perfect love
is forever perfect





I am wandering, lost in a
forest of confused thoughts;
searching and hoping to discover
the composition of who I am.

I am curious about what
I will find, what it will mean,
and I'm little frightened about
discovering that hidden part of me.

I can see my image but
my soul is hidden. I wonder,
is soul a part of self?
Are they one and the same?

I wonder, do ghosts dwell
within these temples we
call our bodies? Are they
also a reflection of self?

Does this explain our spirit?
If so, are we responsible for it?
Can it sin if it is a
part of our inner self?

I need enlightenment to
understand this dimension
of the great spiritual mystery
that connects us to our soul.





A feeling of what can be,
what will turn out for the best,
where expectations are centered
and where forgiveness lives.
A desire that dwells in confidence
with trust as its expectation.
Where spirituality resides
with faith at its core.
It is real, surreal,
moving and magnificent.
It is a special blessing
this feeling of hope.





It is a mystery
yet it is real,
confused with the desire
to be made new
or to camouflage the old.
It is satisfied
with what began,
with preference for
the original plan.
It only desires
to be made whole,
to restore energy,
hope, and soul.
It is phenomenal
this restoration goal.




Trailblazers and bellwethers
who conduct with dignity
are these noble maestros
who shepard people.
Honorable and selfless
luminaries are these bold
inspirers of confidence.
Captains of courage
who lead by example.
Directors who orchestrate,
motivate, excite and
spark others to follow.
Emanate role models
of noteworthy distinction.
These are leaders,
champions of the best
who are as rare
as they are great.